help repair our communities


dismantling a capitalist-dominated society requires us to enact incremental changes to the spaces that dominate the social sphere. our increased reliance on technology has made us more susceptible to capitalist incentives & messages that perpetuate harmful power dynamics at the workplace, traumatizing interactions with media, biased & exclusionary learning experiences, & greed-driven health care.

corporations & other businesses are the cornerstones of capitalism. when we view corporations or organizations as entities, we fall into the slippery slope down to dehumanizing one another, valuing production over community wellbeing, revenue over environmental awareness. we justify genocide & resource depletion as “collateral damage” or “social advancement.” we encourage obsessive working behaviors all while pathologizing the inevitable burnout & emotional distress. we shame others for setting boundaries & choosing rest.

with each generation, education becomes increasingly more financially, physically, & mentally inaccessible. many educational institutions continue to operate using the “banking” concept, greatly diminishing the quality & authenticity of acquiring knowledge. impoverished, minority students & their families are being criminalized for their struggle to access educational spaces.

the health & wellness industry has struggled significantly with oppressive power dynamics. through pathologizing the real, valid manifestations of trauma, severing the body into the mind & the physical body & extracting the spirit/soul/life force. we disconnect from ourselves, pathologize our emotions & behaviors, & lose access to the inner wisdom that understands these emotions & behaviors. we’ve birthed the self-care industry, the capitalization of a deeply transformative & personal practice. we allow harmful & contradictory understandings of health & wellness practices to exploit seekers for healing…

…if you’ve experienced or seen any of the above in your workplace & are ready to make a change, inquire below for my consulting services to see if we’d be a good fit.

prioritize community over profit

  • education system

    seeking knowledge & wisdom is a sacred practice. let’s transform the education system to reflect that.

  • corporate & organizations

    whether it’s the work culture, the product/service, or something else you’re struggling with, i’ll help you address those pain points to create a more supportive system.

  • media & television

    media has the power to connect, validate, & affirm the members of our community, or it can perpetuate misinformation, harm, & trauma. with me, you’ll be choosing community.

  • health & wellness industry

    as the health & wellness industry continues to rapidly expand, it continues to exclude, pathologize, & steal from minority groups healing practices. i can help you with this.